The AIR-ESS range of products was developed out of necessity by accomplished horsewoman and international horse trainer Jacqueline Nadler.

While training horses in Africa, Jacqueline was taunted daily by the local baboon troupe who would vandalize her jumps and destroy the course in an attempt to assert their authority!

In response, Jacqueline decided that she needed to find a way to make jumps that would withstand almost anything while being easy to move and safe for her horses to jump over; thus AIR-ESS was born.

These inflatable jumps and obstacles are made of military grade materials and fashioned after inflatable structures used by the armed forces as training devices and decoys.

AIR-ESS is an American company whose products are constructed out of the most durable inflatable material available in the market. All AIR-ESS products are rigorously tested and reviewed to insure that any jump, filler or obstacle that you purchase will stand the test of time (horses, baboons and the elements).